Virtuous Circle
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Perfect Store (PS) is a managerial methodology that allows us to identify how close or far we are from achieving perfection in the store, based on the parameters (KPI) that we have defined as the standard of perfection.
PS is like a virtuous circle, the definition of the KPIs and the objectives to be achieved for each of them should lead us to an action plan, which derives from the identification of the improvement areas for each of the performance KPIs in each Chain or Shop and Category
Once the improvement areas have been identified, we must develop the action plan that must be be performed at the store level to improve results and achieve the performance KPIs closest to the objectives set.
For Xpuntocero, it’s essential that information from the Perfect Store flows from the store to the decision-making areas (Sales, Trade and Marketing) and they provides to the Store Manager the key information to take necessary actions that brings the store closer to the Perfect Store model.
Ayudamos a nuestros clientes a implementar Perfect Store en sus organizaciones, de manera que se convierta en un programa de ejecución que les ayude a monitorizar su desempeño en el punto de venta.
Beneficios de Perfect Store
– Align the entire sales organization with the same quantifiable and measurable goals.
– Provides the organization a tool to assess the performance level of the team in the shop.
– Improves the visibility of what can be improved, defining clear and concise instructions to the Store Menagers by aligning them towards common objectives.
– Allows you to analyze the perfect store from different perspectives: distribution group, chain, store, Store Manager, family and subfamily.
– Making estimates and reviewing the strategy becomes regular behavior. We know and analyze the results and check how much of what has been planned has been implemented and what opportunities we have to improve.
The Perfect Store should be the management implementation thermometer.
Steps of a PS Project

Analysis & definition
Analysis and definition of KPIs in a way that will help us answer questions and show us how to improve execution at the product, channel or chain level.
3 are the pillars on which our Perfect Store methodology is based:
- Product Presence
- Product Visibility
- Product Activation (second exposures)
For each pillar, we define different KPIs, according to the customer's needs.

We equip the Store Manager team with our software (App) to run the PS and monitor the KPIs.

Analysis Results
We provide the organization with different data analysis tools: Web Reports, Power BI solutions or integration in the client's own CRM.
Converting this data into relevant information.
Allowing the monitoring of objectives, the correction of strategies and the improvement of results at the point of sale.