What we offer
A comprehensive POS proposal:
KAM outsourcing focused on results from our partner SIM.
A technological solution to monitor commercial management based on the Perfect Store concept.
Reporting oriented to decision making and adapted to the needs of each client.

Value Proposition
Our value proposition is based on:
- Teams highly prepared and trained in product knowledge.
A deep knowledge of the point of sale.
- Cluster definition of stores to visit based on the potential of aquiriment in the stores.
- Perfect Store Approach. Definition and monitoring of KPIs that define the Perfect Store criteria to ensure results:
- Presence
- Own teams, without outsourcing with third parties in any area of the geography of Spanish country.
- Team oriented to results and decision making.
A point of sale tool that gives the KAM a differential value when managing the store.
A simple, customizable, versatile KPI monitoring and analysis tool focused on decision making.